Study guide for upcoming test

[Please read directions carefully]

Pigs are flying. Underline the pertinent
information and answer.
Who pasted-on their purple wings
retrieved from the bottom of
last year’s Halloween bin?

In review,

We push through astral dust daily.
This is undeniable. Therefore,
is it reasonable and fair for God
to shuffle shit around from time
to time allowing for small powered engines?

Consider this. If that thing you call the sky
opens up sweet as a tangelo every morning,
explain why the majority will not enter
the thirteenth hour fragrant as that?
Cite the violation of ethics code.

Stop fussing. The sun could very well come up
on the dark side of the moon for a change.
Think broader, globally. Multiculturally.

And it just goes to show you that a shadow
is a just a darkness. And a wall is a mountain,
which translates ‘elephant’ in Swahili.
Note: mice can chew through men.

And rocks. Are they for climbing, or skipping,
or hurling. Choose A, B, C, or Z.

Circle the answer containing no lies or liens
on a loan. If you didn’t earn anything–

You build your wings, you learn it all, or et al.,
[consult Latin dictionary if necessary] on the way down.

{napowrimo 22} & IGWRT “You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”  ― Annie Dillard
I really should be studying for my upcoming grad school comprehensive exam! But as usual first things first. Pigs can fly.


  1. Andrea R Huelsenbeck says:



    1. eat all the words says:

      Thank you so much for your words Andrea. I am procrastinating with poetry.


  2. This is a test worthy of anyone building wings… just wonder if the wax will melt as it did for Icarus.


    1. eat all the words says:

      I’m not even going to go there. Just blowing off steam.
      Rolling into my last days before my new life


  3. erbiage says:

    the new life is now. anything can happen. seeming opposites, become balanced on teetertotters, until at last they become one. two sides to every coin, the third side matters most. Nice write!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      Can you take the test for me? 😝


  4. kanzensakura says:

    I hope to complete my second MFA the end of this summer so I know how you feel! An excellent poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      Yes! Congrats (and lots of Tylenol sent your way). This is my second Masters, but my brain is definitely older…I dare not say wiser. I know better than to concede anything that preposterous


      1. kanzensakura says:

        I know the feeling for sure. I have my BS, BA, MS, and PhD so getting this MFA was a bit of lark to start…but now? I am not so sure. But I am almost done. My brain and body are both older. But I still think I’m 21!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. eat all the words says:

        You are amazing! And I’m sure you’re brain is 21


  5. Oh, I love this! I seem to always be learning to fly on the down swoop. I don’t have a single degree. Kudos for all your work and achievements! Thanks for slipping your poem through all the studying!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      Thanks for the perfect quote to frame my scattered mind, Susie 😘


  6. elleceef says:

    I love this, it reminds me of my daughters path through multiple degrees ( I have none ) she always said it felt like a multiple choice merry-go-round. Your poem reminds me of this 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      The only upcoming multiple choice test I have is 124 questions in 120 minutes. ⏱ The rest I have to stand and deliver 😬


  7. Lovely blend of prompt and test prep. I don’t know about pigs, but this poem flew!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      Thanks Rosemary!


  8. qbit says:

    Procrastinate further if we get more poems like this, LOLOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, I love this so much. It’s hard to choose a favorite image, but my heart kind of leapt at the tangelo/day. This was so much fun to read.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. crow says:

    How many can I miss and get get a passing grade?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. eat all the words says:

      Crow. Birds can soar. You will pass with flying colors

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Day Twenty-Three
    1. eat all the words says:

      Woot woot! Thanks for the Confidence boost for the test, and for keeping up this crazy habit I have of writing a poem a day during the thick of things.


      1. I have a flying pig on my deck, but he seems loathe to fly. Great poem!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Pure joy to read this!! I too have pig with wings on my desk – I shall paint them purple or perhaps cover the with glue and pour on purple glitter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. some say angels says:

      Sounds like the perfect piglet to me;)


  13. fireblossom32 says:

    We were supposed to make aerodynamic swine in shop class. All the boys filled their beakers with porkers before I even had my coat off. Just wait til life sciences, I’ll exact my revenge.

    Liked by 1 person

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